Sunday, February 22, 2009

So you don't like Cops, huh ?

I have a account.
One of the shows that I watch there is COPS.
I also have a Live Leak account and a account, and I also keep up with the police vids posted on those sites as well.
One thing I see from commenters (more so on hulu and Break than LL), is the rampant LEO bashing (LEO = Law Enforcement Officer(s)).
Now I make no secret of the fact that I work with cops as a dispatcher, nor do I also make a secret of the fact that I am an ardent fan and supporter of Law enforcement.
These folks do a tough, thankless job.
They risk their lives everyday for no other reason than they honestly want to make OUR lives safer.

I understand that there are some cops who really shouldn't be in law enforcement, period. These would be the proverbial "rotten apples".
But what upsets me is the fact that some shitheads can't see past their own stupidity and make blanket statements to the tune of "all cops are scum".

Now there was a time, when I was 15 and thought I knew everything, that I shared that sentiment.
Then one day a thought occurred to me, how can I say that and not feel like a hypocrite when I need them because someone broke into my car, stole something from me or any other conceivable reason to need a cop ?

Fact is, I can't.
Nor can anyone else.

23 years later I'm now 38, go to the the above mentioned sites and see the tripe those halfwit fools post.
And I get righteously pissed off.
Not only do these fools make patently erroneous generalizations, they have the utter temerity to also ignore their own noise and demand help from the very people they look down on.
Yes, that's right... I said DEMAND.
The Irony here is that I would bet, safely, that a good number of these people are also ones who have had reason to be on the business end of a pair of handcuffs (if their poorly spelled posts and vehemence are any indication).

As I said before, I openly admit that there are some that really do much to give law enforcement a black eye, but the facts are, these cops are a really small minority.
Most cops are straight forward, honest men and women who have a genuine desire to provide a service and to help their communities and truly care about keeping people safe.

Another thing that should be brought up is the fact that........well....... COPS DO NOT MAKE THE DAMNED LAWS!.
Cops are tasked to do one thing and one thing only, they enforce the laws.

So if you don't like the laws that you broke, talk to the people in office who passed the bills that became law.

And if you can't be bothered to do that, then STFU, don't call for help from the people you hate and deal with your own problems...... also be prepared to deal with any consequences that might come with your "solution".

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